Calificación sísmica de equipos para Centrales Nucleares


WNE – Download PDF Seismic qualification of equipment for NPPs must demonstrate the ability of a team to perform its safety function during and after the time it is subjected to forces resulting from an SSE. In addition, the equipment must support the effects of several OBE before the application of an SSE. The safety[…]

Ensayos sísmicos de equipos

Non Nuclear seismic

We have a long experience in carrying out seismic tests of equipment to be installed in countries with seismic risk, some of whose manufacturers are in Turkey. (Serve as an example the following companies with which we have had business relationships: Ozguney, Schneider-electric TUR, Ardic, Enpro, EAE, Yavuzpano, Gerpaas, Esitas, Adam Power, Aktif, Teksan Generator,[…]

Ensayos de vibración aleatoria en vehículos ferroviarios


RAIL LIVE – Download PDF RAILWAYS The equipment/component elements mounted on the vehicle’s main structure (and/or the components that are in turn mounted on the equipment) pneumatic, electrical and electronic must be tested against random vibration and shock when they go to Install in railway vehicles. Random vibration tests are the only method that can[…]

ensayos de vibraciones en aerogeneradores

Wind Power

Since 2002 our laboratory is conducting vibration testing on GAMESA wind turbine mounted equipment, applying the same methodology applied in the railway sector, as described in the European standard EN61373. To this effect we have a test procedure, prepared by us in collaboration with our client, applicable to any equipment that is going to be[…]

Vibraciones en equipos navales


There are mandatory requirements for the protection against the vibrations of the naval equipment installed on board ships. This equipment must be laboratory-tested using simulated vibrations like those on-board ships. For equipment subjected to vibration testing, acceptability will be contingent upon the ability of the equipment to withstand testing and the ability to perform its[…]

Ensayos de vibración en automoción


The mechanical and electronic parts and components of a car must be subjected during its development and production to the most demanding tests to guarantee its reliability throughout its useful life. In many cases the safety of people traveling in a car depends on a piece responding to the requirements for which it was designed.[…]

Ensayos de vibración y choque en transporte


The environment to which a product must survive since it is manufactured until it reaches the final customer (distribution stage) can be very severe. The product/packaging system must be able to withstand the trip without excessive damage due to vibrations and falling impacts. For this reason, many teams, from large transformers to more sensitive computer[…]

ensayos en aeronáutica


Another sectors covering the activity of the laboratory are Aeronautics, Aerospace, Defense, Client R&D and tests that are carried out in situ, mostly.Another sectors covering the activity of the laboratory are Aeronautics, Aerospace, Defense, Client R&D and tests that are carried out in situ, mostly.